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Institutional strategy


woman looking at climbing wall


最近の調査では、世界の学術リーダーのうち、自分の機関で優れた研究を確保するための準備が整っていると感じていると回答したのはわずか56%でした。Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • 可能な限り広範なエビデンスベースから引き出し、明確な戦略的方向性を設定する

  • 金融機関の強み、弱み、脅威、そして最も重要なこととして、インパクトの機会を360度理解します

  • 全員が団結し、ワクワクし、同じ目標に向かって前進し続けるビジョンを策定する

93% of leaders put a high priority on ensuring research excellence, but only 56% feel well prepared to meet this challenge

SciVal: Identify opportunities to shape a strategic vision

Develop and execute your research strategy with insightful analyses around your strengths and global trends, contextualized with peer benchmarks to see where the greatest opportunities for your institution lie, so you can develop a vision and strategy that will deliver.

Shape your strategic vision. Analyze your strengths, benchmark against peers, identify opportunities.

Pure: Assess strengths and weaknesses through institution-wide research data

Evaluate your strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and outcomes through aggregated institution-wide research data, so you can make more informed strategic decisions.

Shift from fragmented to focused: Gain a unified perspective on your institution's research activities for more strategic decision-making.

Interfolio: Quantify teaching, research and service activities

With visibility into faculty work, recognize your best talent, align their efforts with the institutional mission, and make informed decisions.

Birds-eye view of holistic contributions. Easily query reliable data for: Accreditation, awards, workloads, strategic planning

Scopus: Gain comprehensive research insights for better decision-making

Gain a comprehensive view of researcher output, engagement and collaboration, with powerful connected curated data and profiles, for better decision-making and strategic planning.

An infographic displaying a breakdown of data on cited references from Scopus, dating back to 1970.


学術・研究リーダー 戦略的な意思決定をサポートする情報を見つけ、研究を繁栄させ、社会を前進させ、経済成長を促進することができます。

出資 私たちは、資金提供者が非効率的な資金調達メカニズムを改善するための戦略を策定するのを支援し、資金調達ワークフロー全体の主要なユースケースをサポートします。

研究 専門家によるガイダンスとリソースが、お客様の研究と発見の進行を支援します。

司書 スキルを向上させ、図書館サービスを提供し、教育機関内で提唱するためのツールとリソース。

woman looking at screen

"Through comparisons with our benchmark universities, SciVal makes our strategic planning more effective. We can analyze future research trends and university world rankings to create a research agenda and make strategic decisions about how we collaborate with other universities."

Read the full case study featuring SciVal, Scopus & Pure 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

portrait photo of Huey-Jen Su


Huey-Jen Su

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, President

Plan your path to impact. Contact our sales team to discover how our solutions can benefit your organization.

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