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people in meeting

View from the top: Insights on the challenges ahead(リーダーの視点:今後の課題に関する洞察)

今日の組織のリーダーは、変化する課題に直面しています。レポート、「View from the Top」では、学術機関のリーダーや資金提供者が直面する複雑な問題、それらに取り組むための準備、そして組織の長期的な成功を確実にするための戦略について探求しています。 このレポートは、イプソスとのパートナーシップにより行われた世界中の100人以上のシニアリーダーへのインタビューから作成され、現在の優先事項と、AIガバナンスや気候変動など、今後数年間でさらに大きな課題をもたらすと予想される課題の両方についての洞察を提供します。


Satellite dish pointing upward

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Plan your path to impact — with pace and purpose

Gain a 360 understanding of your institution's strengths, weaknesses, threats, and, most critically, opportunities for impact. Draw from the broadest possible evidence base to set a clear strategic direction, and develop a vision that unites, excites and keeps everyone moving toward the same goal.

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woman looking at climbing wall

資金獲得と専門知識の強化 – 機関のパフォーマンスを向上させる



A plant seedling on hand

Remove friction from your operations — implementing better processes that drive better outcomes

Streamline and automate workflows related to faculty and research management; saving time, effort and resource. Gain a birds' eye view of expertise and faculty activity to optimize resource allocation, and effectively, and equitably, manage faculty and talent — from hire to retire.

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rowing team aerial view

Put your institution’s best foot forward, every day — raising your academic reputation

Enable impactful narratives to be crafted, showcased and discovered, and gain the intel and insights required to understand and boost your institutional reputation and rankings. Evaluate the bibliometric and real-world impact of research, attracting best-fit opportunities and creating virtuous cycles of success.

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two climbers reaching summit