Insights 2024: Attitudes toward AI

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Elsevier 專注於開發資料驅動技術,改善臨床治療效果並改善醫療專業人員的學習。
Elsevier 在資料方面擁有深厚的專業知識,我們不斷努力確保資料可無障礙取閱且可操作。
聆聽我們的資料專家,Elsevier 首席資訊長 Rich Loomis 醫學博士和 LexisNexis Risk Solutions Health Care 臨床解決方案全球總裁兼首席執行長 Josh Schoeller 的發言。
At Elsevier Health, we combine our world class evidence-based content and advanced AI to empower clinicians with valuable insights from trusted knowledge sources. As medical knowledge grows and patient cases become more complex, we recognize the need for tools that provide quick access to trusted and concise clinical information.
By incorporating technologies like conversational search powered by generative AI, we help clinicians find precise, context-specific information, bridging the gap between knowledge and practice to enhance patient outcomes.
Learn more about how Elsevier is harnessing the transformative power of AI in healthcare
"Using an AI tool can significantly speed up the process of obtaining specific answers for complex patient cases, ultimately boosting clinicians’ confidence in treating patients with multiple comorbidities.”
Paul (PJ) Helmuth, MD
Elsevier 的 Managing Director, Global Content Partners