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Institutional reputation & rankings

Powerfully showcase strengths, achievements and impact; transforming your institution’s standing and influence in the global academic community.

two climbers reaching summit


世界のアカデミックリーダーの58%は、研究が世界に与える影響を示す方法がないことに不満を感じています。Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • インパクトのある物語を作り上げ、紹介し、発見することを可能にします

  • 研究の計量書誌学的および実世界への影響を評価し、最適な機会を引き付け、成功の好循環を生み出します

  • ランキング戦略を理解し、計画し、監視するために必要な情報と洞察を得ることができます

58% of academic leaders and funders say they are frustrated due to lack of ways to show research's impact on the wider world

SciVal: Enhance institutional impact and reputation

Build your reputation for excellence with insights from the datasets used in world university rankings and through uncovering your broader impact on society at the organization, research group and individual level.

Transform ranking analysis. Understand your university's performance with access to the actual bibliometric dataset used in key rankings.



An infographic displaying a breakdown of data on cited references from Scopus, dating back to 1970.

Pure: Build institutional reputation through achievements and impact

Showcase achievements, expertise and societal impact by aggregating past research outcomes and collaborations; so you can enhance your institution's reputation as a leader in innovation and excellence.

Exhibit your organization externally. Highlight your researchers and their achievements, and contribute to your reputation.

Digital Commons: Optimize institutional impact through research promotion

Showcase, save, share, publish and promote your institution's research, scholarship and collections, so you can increase your institution’s impact.

Optimize your institution's impact, showcase your research, scholarschip and collections.


学術・研究リーダー 戦略的な意思決定をサポートする情報を見つけ、研究を繁栄させ、社会を前進させ、経済成長を促進することができます。

出資 私たちは、資金提供者が非効率的な資金調達メカニズムを改善するための戦略を策定するのを支援し、資金調達ワークフロー全体の主要なユースケースをサポートします。

研究 専門家によるガイダンスとリソースが、お客様の研究と発見の進行を支援します。

司書 スキルを向上させ、図書館サービスを提供し、教育機関内で提唱するためのツールとリソース。

woman looking at screen

“With Pure, we can let people know about the breadth of research that we do…. It enables us to tell the full story of the University of Kentucky.”


Baron Wolf, PhD

University of Kentucky, USA, Assistant Vice President for Research & Director of Research Analytics

Increase your institutional reputation. Contact our sales team to discover how our solutions can benefit your organization.

Man writing on a desk