世界のアカデミックリーダーの58%は、研究が世界に与える影響を示す方法がないことに不満を感じています。Our solutions are designed to help you:
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Powerfully showcase strengths, achievements and impact; transforming your institution’s standing and influence in the global academic community.
世界のアカデミックリーダーの58%は、研究が世界に与える影響を示す方法がないことに不満を感じています。Our solutions are designed to help you:
Build your reputation for excellence with insights from the datasets used in world university rankings and through uncovering your broader impact on society at the organization, research group and individual level.
Showcase achievements, expertise and societal impact by aggregating past research outcomes and collaborations; so you can enhance your institution's reputation as a leader in innovation and excellence.
Showcase, save, share, publish and promote your institution's research, scholarship and collections, so you can increase your institution’s impact.
Our best-in-class solutions and services equip university leaders with enhanced workflows, data and insights to help build effective strategies, transform operations, and deliver outstanding funding and partnership opportunities to drive game changing performance and impact.
Learn more about solutions to help you with: