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News, Informationen und Artikel für die Bereiche Medizin, Gesundheit und Forschung.

Team having project meeting

Unterstützung des offenen Zugangs

AI and healthcare: What clinicians need to know

Two Elsevier experts share their insights on vetting genAI tools for healthcare and where they can make the most impact

Stock image depicting a female physician showing a tablet to a patient (Source: MoMo Productions/DigitalVision via Getty Images)

“The funding is nice — but so are the problems and data”

The Discovery Lab — a long-term AI collaboration between Elsevier and Dutch academics — offers a blueprint for research collaborations

Photo: The Elsevier Data Science Team, who have just interviewed 194 AI students to join Elsevier for their internship projects.

AI and health equity in cancer: 3 areas of progress

On a recent Lancet Webinar, three experts reveal how they’re using AI to advance cancer diagnosis and treatment — and the challenges of making these advances accessible to all.

Dr Judy Gichoya (left) supports the interventional radiology medical team in Rwanda, led by Dr Ivan Rukundo. She shared this image with permission in her presentation as one of three panelists on the Lancet Webinar AI and Health Equity in Cancer.

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